- His laugh
- The way he makes me laugh
- His values
- The way he loves his family
- The way he loves my family
- Movie night is almost every night
- How he gets a crazy face and says something inappropriate which makes us both laugh
- That he drives me everywhere I need to go
- That he drives me crazy when he follows me around the house
- His respect for our life together
- His love for education
- His passion to help others
- His goals to become a Doctor
- His goal to build a house together that we will call home
- The way that he looks at me when his nose touches my nose
- How he helps anyone without being asked
- How he folds laundry
- How he cooks food
- How he tries to teach me how to cook food
- How he gets things by doing it his way and not the set way of solving problems
- How he makes the bed
- How he cleans
- His eyes
- His chin
- When his beard is soft and not prickly
- How he always tries to solve my problems
- How he tries to solve others problems
- How he looks when he gets ready for the day
- How concerned he is over his hair looking perfect each day
- How he laughs at me when I do something stupid and he tells me he is laughing with me
- When he has too many good ideas in one day that he stays awake in bed thinking about all of them
- The way that he is like his dad
- The way that he is like my dad
- The way that he takes what he does seriously
- How he never takes himself seriously
- How agreeable he is
- How lovable he is when I'm sad
- How he cuddles me if I feel sad
- How he holds me when I'm sick
- How I can wake him up in the middle of the night to kill a bug and he will do it
- How he tells me the truth
- How silly we can be together
- How silly we are when we sing in the car
- The way he shakes his butty - it's hilarious
- The way he is with kids
- The way he is with my siblings
- The way he is when he is around my friends
- How he takes my opinion seriously
- How he always asks me what I would like to do
- Or what I would like to eat
- How he remembers our past slightly different than it really is and he believes it
- When he buys me flowers
- When he lets me look at everything in the store even though he wants to leave
- That he loves foods that I love too
- How he doesn't eat food I hate around me
- How he appreciates his success
- How he loves his friends
- How he loves the idea that we will travel the world together
- How he wants to be different than his brothers
- How he loves his brothers
- How he wants to be different from my brothers
- How he loves my brothers
- How he jokes with my sisters and plays with the little girls even though they are sometimes messy
- How he helps me with my work
- How I can talk to him about how horrible my day was
- How he know that I don't want to go to work in the morning
- How he calls when we have a complaint
- His shoe fetish
- His candy addiction
- How he tries really hard to be healthy
- How we both fail when trying to be healthy so we will go get ice cream or a snow cone to make us feel better
- How we do mocha salsa runs on school/work nights at midnight because it sounds good
- The fact that he wants to make me happy every day
- How he like to make sure he looks ok before going out of the house
- How he lets me go out of the house in pajamas
- That he is photogenic
- That he like to play video games with me
- That he wants to have a cafe one day
- That he makes everything light and funny
- That he hates when I cross over on his side of the bed but he still lets me
- That he wants to own pets
- The way that he smiles when he is talking about his goals
- The way that he listens to others, even if they are completely wacko
- The way that he listens to my music
- Our road trips
- That he love the outdoors
- That he can play music without any lessons
- The way that he uses his words
- The ability to budget
- Our friendship
- Our memories of each other over the last five years
- How he reasons with challenging situations
- How he reacts calmly to everything
- How he makes odd noises whenever we get to a certain light every morning
- The fact that he has overcome so much to get where he is today
- The tenderness in his touch when he holds my hands
- The way he sleeps when I'm making a ton of noise in the morning
- How he can do impressions
- That he can make every day a happy day
- His cute face and smile
- The way that he loves me every day for the rest of forever
101 Things about Him that I love...
28 July 2011
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