I did it!!

30 September 2011

Yes.... *sigh of relief*

Last night around 9:40 pm, I submitted my MSW application.  I feel amazing.  Even if I'm not going to get in the first time - I DID IT! The two chances I had prior to this; I totally psyched myself out of applying.  Not this time....look out world - I found my confidence and it's here to stay. 

I would like to say THANK YOU to all the wonderful people who supported and assisted me through this long process.  My parents for helping my through my undergraduate; my favorite profession, Jen, who wrote me a recommendation letter on short notice; my internship supervisor, Kim, who so kindly took time to write a recommendation; Penney, who remembered who I was and offered to write a recommendation right away and; Yves, thank you so very much for your support and kind words. These people are all so wonderful, truly wonderful human beings that I will never forget and will be forever grateful for knowing!!

Truly, the one person I am most thankful for is my husband.  Thank you sweetheart for taking time to motivate me - valuable time out of everything you have going on to help me finish this application.  You have been my crutch for the past few weeks, maybe even months.  I love you so much and am so thankful for who you are, your intelligence, your support, your love and thoughtfulness, and for making me feel that my dreams are important too.  You are the BESTEST Sweetums in the entire world.  I love you!


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