So, lately the husband has been telling me that naps during the day are horrible, waking up to a light on will make it so much harder to fall back asleep, if you don't get 8 hours you will lose your mind, and showering in the morning is one of the best ways to wake up - all things related to some science course he's taking. Well the thing is - this silly husband of mine - creates the results that prove or are in 'positive correlation' with his scientific opinions.
The problem is he seems to forget other important things about his life.
Little (important) things like;
Zipping his zipper
Putting ice cream in the freezer - not the fridge
Where he left his sun glasses (ok, so this happens to everyone - but they are usually on his person)
He is just silly and I love him because this morning when he got out of the shower at 6:40 he looked at me and said I have class at 7:30. You may be thinking - he has time, or what’s the big deal- well the thing is that he spaced that he even had class. Thus the results of this last minute thinking: missing the trax meaning that we have to drive the car...
Silly husband. I loved driving with you in the car - listening to you make up silly sentences and funny faces... plus all the chatter before you actually got out of the car to go to your class, which probably made you late - I know it made me late. I love you!
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