Who am I? Hi, I’m Lindsey and well, I am completely in love with my husband. He is my best friend. He is an eye recovery technician and pre-med student at the University of Utah and super sexy. If I could describe him… he is a Shawn Spencer mind in the body of a young Brad Pitt with a heart of gold and dance moves like Michael Jackson… ok that’s a stretch. But he is everything to me and I wouldn’t change a thing about him.
I’ve got a brain and speak my mind… and he adores me for it, most of the time. We are silly and love to laugh. Sometimes, I cry because he makes me laugh so hard. He cooks and I’ve mastered how to make popcorn. We are both clean freaks…sometimes, most of the time; I go overboard with the sanitation stuff. He wishes he was more “manly” and could hunt… I’m not super girly, either; I have a hard time dressing like one most days. We love each other and can’t wait to grow up one day. Until then we will reside in our secret Neverland adventures.
Our marriage: We got married on October 9th 2010 in the Salt Lake Temple. Every day since then has been another page in our happily ever after. Our marriage is something we work on every day and we are so grateful that we have such a wonderful opportunity to be together.
Family: Well it’s big. I come from a family of ten kids and he is from a family of eight kids. All in all, we love them dearly – they are unique and I can’t imagine our lives without any of them – and their spouses too!
Interests: Television, seriously. Psych, Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, Modern Family, Parks and Recreation, The Office, travel channel, food channel… you know the basics. We love the outdoors, traveling, family time, eating food, and laughing… just doing whatever, together is what we are interested in.
What do you do for a living? I work in Member and Statistical Records Division of the Finance and Records Department for the Corporation of the Presiding Bishopric. That’s a mouthful. Basically, I work to pay the bills – but, my job is kind of too good to be true. He is on-call 24/7, not really, but he doesn’t work like most regular people. Basically, when anyone dies – he goes to work. He is one of a handful of people in the western United States that removes eyes for transplant or research. Most of the time he is away all night – which only promotes my case to get a puppy, hopefully one will join the family…soon.
What are your career goals? I graduated from the University of Utah in Social Work before we got married. I change my mind all the time about what I want to be when I grow up. I think that’s healthy – I like to know what I’m capable of. I have a lot of curiosity and ambition… currently, I’m awaiting acceptance into a master’s program at the University of Utah. He wants to be an Orthopedic Surgeon. He didn’t always want to be this… in fact, when I met him he would pass out at the thought of a needle, or blood, or anything of the sort. He started out as a business major and planned to become an actuary. One day, he realized that he hated business. He realized that true potential for a career path was in science and after some really amazing teachers and experiences he decided that he would be a doctor. We are forever grateful for our education and the many people that have inspired our lives for the better… we will always cherish these people and our education.
What is this blog about? Well, it’s about me, my husband, our family, and all of our adventures - big and small. It’s about life and the joy that I find in it. It’s about reality and mistakes. It’s about love and laughter. Most of all, it is a journal of happiness and gratitude for all the wonderful blessings that I enjoy in life. as the wife.
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