Dear little lindsey

28 January 2012

Someday, soon things will work out and you won’t have to worry about planning how everything in life will happen.  Just know that life happens and you will enjoy the ride if you just try and let go of all your fears.

At times you will feel like you are living in the shadows of your parents and older brothers.  Don’t….you are unique and you don’t have to do it just like they did.  Parents and family keep you humble. They want you to be happy and see you succeed, so be confident and remember they love you no matter who you are.

Someday you’ll be married to a wonderful man who loves you and will help you find peace.  Don’t waste your time on all those boys before you meet spencer.  Just enjoy your friends, be kind to people, make change in the world for good, and pursue your dreams.  Spencer is your one and only.  Just wait for him- he is worth the wait.  You will know the moment you see him….you will know.

Don’t be down that you aren’t at all good at math.  Your career will be just fine someday without it.  You have talents that will lead you to find your true self.  Just take time to discover them.  Math is a lost cause for you, learn that quickly.   

Those kids who are mean- ignore them. Allow the pain to make you stronger as a person but don’t let them break your spirit.  And those heartaches you face….don’t let them harden you…..because someday your sensitive spirit will be something that blesses people.

And when people try to judge you or judge others- ignore them too.  All of them, they will never be anything but skilled bullies.  They want to hurt you so they feel better about themselves.  Everyone deserves better than that.      

Be nice to the kids that are different; because different is good.  They are bright and beautiful gems that will shape your character and bring happiness to your heart.  They are worth your time and energy.

Be true to yourself and your talents.  You will worry way too much and will experience losses because of your high expectations.  Let go- and enjoy the life you have been blessed with.  These early years shape you, but don’t let the past control your future.  Make choices for yourself.  It is these few years you don’t have to worry that you’re not good enough, because you will learn later on that good enough means whatever you want it to mean. 

Someday people will discourage you from taking risks, but you go ahead and take them anyway.  Follow God's will on your life...He isn't leading you astray- He’s got you. 

A series of devastating events will come your way….but you’re going to be okay.  You will learn rejection isn’t the worst thing, but an opportunity to grow and find a better fit for yourself.  You will live and get through it.  It will take time and will be more devastated than anticipated; you will want to give up….Don’t give up.  Things you thought you could never handle, you will.

Don’t be insecure.  God made you.  You will struggle with this even in your adulthood.  And as you start to seek out other things to fill those voids, just stop- because only He can do so.  Smile, be confident.  Be a light in this dark world.

Little lindsey – do not let people try to change you.  Do not let people hurt your spirit.  You are talented.  You are special, unique and different – and that is a good thing.  You have a big, soft heart….let it stay soft….because the world needs love and grace.

And hopefully you can spread that around.    


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