
27 June 2012

If you were to ask me what my favorite color is, I would tell you it's yellow or green or grey depending on the day.. but really I'm pretty sure my favorite color is aqua blue.

If you would ask about my outfits, I would tell you that I never plan them.  Not that you would ever ask because they are mostly black on black with a accent of grey or beige.

If you would ask about my summer so far, I would tell you that I miss being outside and that summer just isn't summer if your not out swimming everyday...

If you were to ask me what I did yesterday, I would tell you that I wasted the day doing work and chores but I never really felt awake until I was already back in my bed for the night.

If you were to ask what is weighing on my mind lately, I would tell you that it's financial security even though we are such penny pinchers.  Big dreams tend to mean big money - yikes.

If you were to ask me what tradition I'd like to keep, it would be Sunday morning scones... I have yet to actually start that tradition.

If you would ask about the turning 24, I would tell you that I'm very excited for what this year holds for me.  My mom told me that at 24 she felt on-top-of-the-world and just full of energy... I hope that this year will be the same for me.

If you were to ask where I see myself in a year, I would tell you that I'm not sure where I'll be tomorrow!  I make plans and then life happens so I've decided to just take things day-by-day.

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