blame it on my A.D.D., baby

10 December 2013

(that was for Kimmie!)

and these too...


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    1. Kell, I freakin adore you! I promise it's nothing like that. I would never ever block you, or be bugged by you. I just had to shut off my FB for over a week to prove to spence I am not addicted... Something about how whenever we would start talking I usually pull out my phone and look at FB... :/ I hope you know I love you to pieces and I hope you and Brandon and your kiddos have a wonderful Christmas too!!

  2. What a relief I was freakin a little!! Um I have had to do the same thing with fb it is addicting. Especially when I have no life and others do. What is your address for a christmas card?

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like I have nothing else to do with myself! I am so excited to see your Christmas card this year. My address is 3333 Grand Avenue #283, Des Moines, IA 50312.

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