Our history

06 October 2010

Leading up to our engagement...
Spencer and I have been dating for a little more than four years. We met at a "mutual friends" home during the spring of 2006.

For me it all began when I saw Spencer for the first time - he was incredibly cute. We were never formally introduced to each other - in fact he left shortly after I saw him at the Stephens home. Turns out he had left with a friend (Khalid) to grab some treats at the Albertson's down the road.

When he returned with a bag of peanut M&M's I knew right away that he was someone special. We sat in the front room on the couch talking about nothing for hours. I remember that at one point Spencer pointed out that I had almost eaten all of the M&M's that he purchased.

As the night became early morning (2 AM rolled around) Spencer's mother had called him three times growing more concerned with each call and demanding to know where he was. Spencer did not ask for my number, and I thought I may never see him again.

About a week later, while I was out playing tennis with some friends (Brynnlee, Derek, Tyson, and Jason) I received a very odd text message. I am not sure exactly what it said now that I think about it, however, it went something like, "So I'm a guy and you're a girl. How about we go out sometime." Now I know I'm using quotations where they do not belong - just for emphasis on how smooth the text literally was. I was quite freaked out, as I had no idea who the text had come from. Eventually Spence confessed that he was the mystery texter.

We didn't begin dating right away - well from my point of view - we mostly "hung out." Spencer tried really hard to become my boyfriend and eventually all the flowers, treats, and more texts paid off. I say texts because if Spence asked anything, like if he could hold my hand, it was through... if you guessed via text message, you're correct.

It's now been over four years and I love Spencer more and more with each day. He is a wonderful, caring, sensitive, sweet, thoughtful, loving, smart, and pretty perfect! I love you Spencer and I am so happy that we are getting married!!!


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