Our engagement

07 October 2010

Spencer can vouch for me when I say that I hate surprises.  I always want to be in-the-know.

But, I must admit - the wait was absolutely worth it.

Since we live so close to the canyon (Big Cottonwood) we tend to spend our free time up there. Spencer and I have established this one spot as "our spot," which is just before the hairpin turns. It's beautiful place, with the river running and the patches of overgrown grass and wild flowers. It is one place where we like to visit and take lots of pictures.

This last Christmas Spencer gave me a really amazing Nikon camera. He knows everything about it, I just like taking the pictures with it. So...
Sunday, June 19th 2010 - Father’s Day
Just another regular day -or so I thought.

Spencer suggested we go up the canyon and take some pictures. I, of course, had no idea that he had alternative motives. So, I grabbed my camera and ran out the door.

As we arrived at our usual spot in the canyon I jumped out and started observing the location for the most scenic photographs. We walked around for a while and I noticed that there was a nice shot deeper in the area. I knew I would be unable to reach it so I climbed onto a nearby rock and started snapping away. As I was focusing in on the shot, Spencer said, "Hey how about over here?" I turned around to look and at where my eye level was - no Spencer. As I dropped my eyes, there he was, kneeling at the end on the rock I was on top of. It was a HUGE surprise. I wish I could remember word for word all everything he said in that moment. It was all so exciting. Of course I said "YES!"

I love you Spencer. I look forward to being your wife and spending forever with you.


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