Our Wedding Story

22 October 2010

We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple on the 9th of October 2010. We were sealed in the morning and Spencer's grandfather, Don Gowans, performed the temple marriage and our close family members that were able were right along there with us.

Waiting outside the temple were the rest of our family members (living in the state) ready to shout for joy as we exited the Temple. It was so much fun seeing everyone there waiting to greet us. We followed the ceremony with lots of pictures taken by Don Polo Photography. They are the best! i will be sure to upload some pictures as soon as I get the completed disc from them.

After that we met up with our family at the Red Butte Cafe where we had brunch. Both my dad and Spencer's dad gave speeches. They both mentioned how much they loved us and how glad they were to gain more family. We are so blessed to have such loving fathers. We love our families so much and we look forward to being one big family now.

I want to say how much I love my dad and mom, they did so much for Spencer and I. I love and appreciate them with all my heart. Mom, you are the best mom in the world. You helped me get through everything, and I knew that I could count on you for anything. You had the best advice and always listened to me, even if I was upset. Dad, thank you for being my dad. I love you. Thank you for the beautiful wedding and the wonderful gifts and support that you provided for me and Spencer. You are a very hard worker and I love and appreciate you very much. I have the strongest parents in the world. They do so many different things and still wake up the next day ready to help or do whatever needs to get done. I love you both, thank you again for all the time and effort you put into raising me and helping me through to the next chapter in my life.

I also wanted to thank Spencer's parents. Stephanie for helping out with invitations and throwing me a bridal shower, Glen for supporting Spencer and I through getting married and being a witness to the ceremony, and Lisseth for making a beautiful wedding cake and saving some for us to eat!

I need to take a moment to thank Malerie, my sister-in-law. Malerie you are so incredibly amazing and talented. You are the most thoughtful person in the world. You did anything that I asked (or didn't ask) you made my wedding so wonderful for me. Thank you for all the support, help, and time that you spend on me and my needs!

I love my sweetheart, Spencer. He may not be perfect, but he is perfect for me. I love you Spence with all my heart. Thank you for everything you do, not just for me but for us! You are wonderful and I am very blessed to have you in my life!


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