Goodbye 2010

31 December 2010

In order to start 2011 right let's take a moment to recap 2010:

Lindsey's Things:
I finished my undergraduate degree from the University of Utah this year and walked at the end of the Bachelor's of Social Work line (benefits of being a Young, I suppose) or if you look at it from another side I led the group of master students.  Either way it's over. I spent time interning at CBTS (Community Based Transitional Services) working with youth in foster care.  Those kids changed my life, I can't believe that some of them are old enough to graduate high school in the spring! I am so thankful for the staff at CBTS and all they do on a daily basis (Lori, Carlos, Adam, Kim O., Kim, and Liz) seriously, tough work to do and I hold all of you in the highest regards.  I have an amazing job in the tallest building in Utah and I absolutely love it. 

Spencer's Things:
Spencer completed two more semesters at the University of Utah this year.  He has still maintained his 4.0 and has recently become a junior in college.  He worked random jobs, including a position at the Hoogle Zoo this summer.  This last semester Spencer was a T. A. for Human Anatomy.  It was very busy but he pulled it off with a full time schedule!  Spencer found out just how amazing he is in the kitchen. With his new found chef talent, Spencer has been improving old recipes and new ones that he thinks up while he tries to fall asleep at night.  Many of his friends have returned home from missions and one of his best friends just got hitched! Between parties, school, family time, and improving our home, he has kept extremely busy.  Oh, and we got married over fall break and spent a week in Cancun!

The Young family has been a mad house this year.  My parents started the year with three foster children, and eleven of there own - we aren't sure how mom still has her sanity.  Dad and Mom have now added Spencer to the family making it a dozen kids.  The three foster babies are now in another home...but there is a new foster baby that currently resides under Mom's left arm.  Trust me you don't want to move him from that spot because he loves it there.  The family hosted over a dozen parties - including one tonight for New Years!
Stephanie (Spencer's mom) recently started working for an organization as the Administrative Assistant and so far she loves it.  It is only girls at the home now (there is constant talk about clothes, boyfriends, and girl stuff!) 
Glen and Lisseth (Spencer's dad and step-mom)both spent time in the hospital this year having serious surgeries...thankfully both are doing well and still have their share of hosting parties!
Two of Spencer's siblings are currently expecting and are barely showing cute prego bellies!  Congrats to Chris and Lauren and Cristina and Brady.  Mary is in France living the dream, Brandon is living at home still (his choice and his words) and he will be starting up a new job that will soon fly him out to work on films.  Then across the states are Doug and Jenn who have two cuties Avalyn and Edyn.  All is well with our families for now and we are so thankful for that and wish everyone a Happy and safe New Year!


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