We really have one of the best apartment complexes that I have seen. Spencer and I feel truly blessed with everything that we have. Waiting for this point in our lives has absolutely paid off. It has been a blessing that I graduated the University of Utah and am able to support our home. I have a great job downtown and Spencer is going to school and teaching anatomy. We are loving it and having so much fun together. We carpool every morning and love it! Well, Spencer loves it when I get out of the house in time so he won't be late. He also really loves our new car! Like I said, we are so blessed. Here is a peek at what our home looks like.
Dining room
I wish all those presents were for us...
Our bed
Globe gift and the best smelling spice thingy ever
Stockings made by my Aunt Ivy - there is an S in Spencer you just can't see it
Christmas lights - also BBQ lights or summer lights... mostly they are the lights I took from Kimmie
Spencer was super happy about my excessive picture taking
We use these lights in our kitchen too
The kitchen
Things will work out....Even if I cook.
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