The Busy Weekend
07 September 2011
Spencer started the weekend with some golf. He said it was one of his worst times. I guess I should pick it up so I can teach him how to do it ;)
I took to unpacking the last few boxes - Pictures will come once I find my card reader - the only thing that got lost through the move. I wonder where I left it.
Saturday AJ took his endowments out from the Oquirrh Temple. Mal, Chris, my parents, Aunt Ivy, and Spencer and I were all there. After we went to the Cheesecake Factory and stuffed our faces with delicious food.
Sunday, Joey was baptized and Jamey was blessed. Thursday our family will be at the Salt Lake Temple to be sealed to Jamey and this coming Sunday AJ will give his farewell and be on his way to the MTC on Wednesday. This means massive family parties to come and lots of preparation. I can't believe how fast time flies. Hopefully I can keep up the rest of the week!
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