Ten things I love

21 June 2012

about me:

I love my collar bones and how they jut out like a runway model.
I love my lips, always red, lipstick not needed.
I love my belly-button and how it looks like a slit rather than a button.
I love my very green eyes after a good cry.
I love my freckles.  A girl without freckles is like a night sky without stars.
I love my tiny knees, mostly because my husband loves them.
I love my smile, not just my mouth but how my eyes smile too.
I love my artsy side and how I can really get creative with a blank piece of paper.
I love dancing.  It’s not professional or good, but I love that I can move my body.
I love how flexible I am.  Years without stretching and I still can do the splits.

about him:

I love his attitude about life. 
I love his humor and how he makes me laugh every day.
I love his almond shaped blue eyes.
I love that he's a smarty pants and he knows it.
I love his curly hair and that he really cares about what it looks like all the time.
I love his lips and kisses - such fat, soft lips.
I love his hands and how hard he works with them, whether it’s writing a shopping list or fixing the vacuum.
I love his lightly freckled arms.
I love his determination and the way that he plans things and all the goals we have as a family.
I love the way that he cares about me and makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world.   


  1. I have a list of a hundred million things that I love about you two being married and being my siblings.. I LOVE YOU!!


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