I'm wanting to do more crafts. Hopefully diy's to post. I'm just slow to getting around to anything other than work and sleep. That's normal I guess but it makes for terribly boring blog posts.
I'm not sure I want to go all out and make this a worldview/problem blog, because I don't want problems and I just watched the first 30 minutes of The Secret (if it's a good book it will be made into a movie) and I don't want to create that kind of a problematic world for myself.
...so yeah, I'm just not sure what direction to take from here.
Dear Readers - I may have confused you. Some might have thought I quit my job. ...
My department will be moving floors in the building. I guess I've been good because I'm moving up three floors (just below the Presiding Bishopric).
Dear speaking of moving - Spencer and I moved the first week of August. It was really hard but also much simpler moving for the second time together. Saying goodbye to our incredibly nice apartment was sad but it had to be done. We now live in my parents house so as to save enough money to pay for applications/interviews for med school and the rest of Spencer's college tuition. It's been fun/awkward living in my old room with my husband. Thank you mom and dad for allowing us to stay there - it's been such a blessing for us.
Dear August - I'm wishing you away this year. I'm ready for fall and everything that comes with the season.
Dear Husband - You're Mr. Sassypants lately - don't worry I still love you :) You make me laugh so hard and I'm so happy that you find humor in most everything in our lives right now. I'm glad to have such a wonderful man in my life and I wouldn't choose anyone else to spend my time with!
Dear friends - see above sentence... sorry I'm really enjoying time with my husband while he's out of school.
Dear working out - I'm seeing some payoff. My arms feel tighter and I'm sore more days than not so that's good news.
Dear Weekend - could you come quickly this week. I'm not sure that I'm going to last too much longer...
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