med school update from the wife

20 August 2012

Spencer officially finished all the M.D. secondaries as of last week.  His D.O. application finally processed - so we'll probably see some secondaries from those additional schools in the next month or so.  Now we are waiting to hear if any of the M.D. schools want interviews. (Cross your fingers, knock on wood, and toss some salt over your shoulder) Once you make it to the interview it seems your chances are much higher at being wish us luck that we made it passed the secondary hurtle and that we'll get some good news before the end of the year.  Otherwise, it's back to the MCAT in January.  Ugh, just the thought of Spence taking the MCAT makes me want to get hit by a bus...maybe not, but it's that stressful.  I can only imagine how he feels, since he is the one taking it.

In other news, Spence started another fall semester at the U today.  He only has one more semester after this one and then he graduates! I'm so excited for him! I believe going to the university has been one of his most cherished decisions.  He started out not sure what he was doing.  He never pictured himself as a college kid!  Slowly he discovered his passion and it has enriched both of our lives (now he is a different person - 4.0 student and planning on at least six more years of education).  I'm super grateful for the professors that encouraged him to own his education.  It made him so much more nerdy!  I love that about him :)    


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