puttin' up two-hundy

20 December 2012

Well, it's official, I've blogged 200 times and I'm still not famous for my thoughts... one day i suppose.  (It's going to happen, right?)  ;)  If only typing about our life would make me some cold hard cash. That'll be the day, until then, I'll keep blogging for fun and working my real job.

When I started this post it was 1-ish in the morning and I was waiting for the husband to finally get home from work.  And just as I was wishing he would show up - he did! It was glorious, he came home with some Hector's Mexican food (because no one can resist Hector's Mexican when it gets to be that late in the night)  

So, as we sat in bed eating our chimichanga and tostada, Spence and I talked about what I should get him for Christmas.  (Yeah, I have nothing)  I actually have a million ideas of things I could get him... but some things are just impossible to get and then there are other things that he asked for specifically, that I don't really want to go out shopping for.  Things like...a hunting knife?  When asked what he wants it for he says,  skinning a deer... (then I reminded him about Bambi and how could he do such things)  I suppose it's just some guys' dreams to get large knives for Christmas?  Go figure.  

"for as we know, money can't buy knives." -surf ninja's


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