growing a family...

05 April 2013

...has proven to be difficult thus far... 

We have decided to try a few different things before we go crazy out of our minds. Well it's mostly me driving Spencer crazy because I've already lost my mind.  Anyway, I'm just really excited that I never have to visit ^^^this office^^^ ever again.

These office walls hold a lot of terrible memories.  Finding out lots of bad news, like that Spencer needed surgery and that we are "perfect candidates for IVF."  Because that sentence should really be said with a smile...  the people that work inside this place are hopeless.  Plus the carpet is awful and everything looks like it's from the late 30's - even the dr.'s - yeah I said it.

So we decided to try our luck elsewhere (IHC does it right)... but it required a lot more testing along with infertility drugs that make you want to eat a pool full of cookies until you have your first bite and then you'll want to toss your cookies.

Here I am before having an hysterosalpingogram - that's a real word by the way. 
Don't I look fabulous in 8X over-sized hospital gown...Yikes... oh and I could really get use to having Valium any day of the week.  


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