walking on the outside of the office

09 April 2013

I feel really lucky to work in such a beautiful environment.  sometimes work is hard, all of it.  Sometimes, I don't want to come to the office - dragging my bones out of my bed, on some days, feels like the only thing I can count as an accomplishment.  But there is evidence that what I'm doing, my small part, does have meaning.  I'm grateful for my position working in the Church office.  I am grateful for my knowledge of the gospel and the feelings of confirmation that I feel on some of my hardest days.  
I have opinions, I have bad habits and corks about me, trails, and questions but I cannot deny what my heart feels is right even when my brain questions it daily.  So, there you have it.  Even though it feels like I've lived through the hardest three years of my life -- I am so thankful to be where I am at now.  
The truth is, I think I got this job, not for my capabilities as an employee but, more because God knew I needed to grow in my understanding of it all.  I surely have been humbled by the work.  
I have many memories and friendships that have grown into something even more beautiful than these flowers.  How happy I am to have shared, albeit a very small amount of my time, working among some of the most loyal, kind, and truly brilliant individuals that anyone could ask to have as bosses and co-workers. queue the waterworks... gosh, okay.

The work will move forward as always and Spencer and I are off to Iowa - Summer 2013.   


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